Monday, March 27, 2017

Personal Web Review

1. All of the websites were pretty good for the most part but could do a few things to make their website exceptional. Having an easy to navigate website is a key to have a great website. These site could do a better job of where they position their tabs and only have the most important.

2. I noticed that all of these websites have a lot of images. All of these websites start with a home page and all have different tabs as a way of going about navigating the webpage. All the web pages have titles as well as supplying contact information that is easily accessible.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Netflix is testing a 'Skip Intro' button, and viewers love it

Image result for netflix skip intro

No more watching the same minute-long intro song and credits before the episode of a show. Netflix told CNNMoney Friday that some Netflix members recently began seeing a "Skip Intro" button while streaming, but wouldn't say when it first appeared. No word yet on whether the button is here to stay -- but social media users have been heaping praise for the "Skip Intro" feature.
Computer Buying Project
Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

New Technology

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VR headsets like Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR are often referred to as HMDs and all that means is that they are head mounted displays. Even with no audio or hand tracking, holding up Google Cardboard to place your smartphone's display in front of your face can be enough to get you half-immersed in a virtual world.
The goal of the hardware is to create what appears to be a life size, 3D virtual environment without the boundaries we usually associate with TV or computer screens. So whichever way you look, the screen mounted to your face follows you. This is unlike AR which overlays graphics onto your view of the real world